Making sure your book of business is priced properly, fits within your underwriting guidelines, and/or is acceptable for your reinsurance terms is important to any insurance company regardless of whether you are a large national carrier, a regional carrier, or a small mutual. Knowing what you are insuring and whether you are charging the proper premium has always been a challenge for the insurance industry. We can help you meet this challenge!
Throughout our many years in business we have helped companies like yours know your book of business better and, most importantly, help you become more profitable. We have performed reunderwriting projects on specific lines of business and by specific agency books. Our Call Center and Field Staff can help you gather any type of information you may require to make certain your risks have remained the same since policy inception.
You can leverage off of our experience as we help you design a Reunderwriting Project to meet your needs. Our experience coupled with our ability to provide Scoring and Data Mining, will provide you with information you need to properly price and/or re-align your existing business.
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